Why does the climate change?

Why does the climate change? Explained by Ocean Generation.

The Earth’s climate has changed naturally for billions of years, but human emissions are rewriting the story.  

Scientists know that the Earth’s climate has always changed by itself, even before humans existed.  

The climate changed in a pattern for the past 800,000 years. Every 100,000 years, the Earth entered a warm period, called an “interglacial”, lasting 15,000-20,000 years. Between these periods, ice ages called “glacials” dominated.  

Changes to the climate that caused these glacials and interglacials in the past can be explained by natural forcings. These are forces that act upon Earth’s climate, causing a change in how energy flows through it e.g., greenhouse gases.  

What are some natural forcings? 

1. Milankovitch Cycles 

Milutin Milankovitch, a mathematician, discovered three “Milankovitch” cycles.  

Over the past 800,000 years, these were the dominant causes of climate variability because they affect the amount of solar heat that can reach the Earth’s surface.

Eccentricity occurs every 100,000 years, corresponding with interglacials. Sometimes Earth’s elliptical orbit is more circular, which keeps the Earth at an equal distance from the Sun. When the orbit is more elliptical, Earth’s distance from the Sun changes. When Earth is closer, the climate is warmer. 

Obliquity, Earth’s axial tilt, changes between 22.1° to 24.5° every 41,000 years. Larger angles cause warmer summers and colder winters.   

Every 19,000 – 24,000 years, Precession impacts seasonal contrasts between the hemispheres and the timing of seasons. The Earth wobbles on its axis due to the gravitational pull of the Sun and moon, changing where the North Pole points.  

Milankovitch cycles are long term changes that affect the climate
Design by Grace Cardwell

2. Sunspots  

Every 11 years, the Sun gets spots when its magnetic field increases. The temperature is lowered in this area, influencing the amount of solar radiation warming Earth.

3. Changes in Ocean currents

Ocean currents carry heat around the Earth. When the Ocean absorbs more heat from the atmosphere, sea surface temperatures increase, and Ocean circulation patterns change. Different areas become colder or warmer. 

Because the Ocean stores a lot of heat, small changes can have massive effects on the global climate. A warmer Ocean can’t absorb as much carbon dioxide (CO2) and will evaporate more water vapour. Both contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming.  

4. Volcanic eruptions

Volcanoes spew out sulphur dioxide and ash, which blocks solar radiation and cools the atmosphere. CO2 released in the eruption eventually overpowers this to increase temperatures, but this is only equivalent to 1% of human emissions.  

5. Meteorite and Asteroid impacts

66 million years ago, an asteroid hit the Earth on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. Scientists call this the Chicxulub Impact, and it drove the extinction that killed 60% of all species, including all non-flying dinosaurs.

Lots of sulphur, soot and dust entered the atmosphere, blocking out the Sun. Temperatures plummeted 15°C, causing a 15-year winter.   

Natural forcings explained by Ocean Generation.

Some climate change and emissions are unavoidable

But natural forcings are too gradual or irregular to cause current climate change.  

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states “the observed widespread warming of the atmosphere and Ocean, together with ice mass loss, support the conclusion that it is extremely unlikely that global climate change of the past fifty years can be explained without external forcing, and very likely that it is not due to known natural causes alone”.   

Just right or too hot? 

Greenhouse gases are natural, to an extent.  

Some solar radiation passes through the atmosphere, hitting the Earth. Most of this is reflected into space, but some is absorbed by greenhouse gases and re-directed back to Earth.

This keeps Earth just right (Earth is called the “Goldilocks” planet!).

People are emitting too many greenhouse gases, too quickly. Therefore, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere, leading to global warming.  

Greenhouse effect explained: normal and rampant CO2
Credit: National Park Service

How are people causing climate change? 

External forcings” are things we’re doing that release extra greenhouse gases.

1. Power  

We burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to make electricity and heat. This releases carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide to the atmosphere. Half of this electricity powers our buildings.

Globally, only about ¼ of our electricity comes from wind, solar and other renewable sources.  

Some people use more power than others: the richest 1% of the global population combined account for more greenhouse gases than the poorest 50%.

2. Food and Manufacturing  

To make goods like steel and plastic, fossil fuels are burnt to power factory machines and many other processes. Manufacturing is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

Food production emits greenhouse gases at various stages. Livestock and rice farming releases methane, fertilisers release nitrous oxides, and carbon dioxide is released to make packaging and transport the food.  

How are people causing climate change: Explained by Ocean Generation.

3. Deforestation

In places like the Amazon Rainforest, trees are cut down to make space for farming and houses. From 2003 – 2023, 54.2 million hectares of rainforest was lost there.

When trees are cut down, they release locked up carbon. With fewer trees, less CO2 absorption can take place. Land use changes make up ¼ of greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Transport  

Cars, ships and planes all burn fossil fuels such as petrol. This makes up ¼ of global energy-related CO2 emissions. This graph shows our impact on the atmosphere: 

This graph shows our impact on the atmosphere.

Don’t put the blame on natural forcings 

Now we know current climate change is down to us; everyone has a responsibility to reduce their emissions. Have a look and see what you can do!  

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What can Antarctic ice cores tell us about the history of our climate? 

What can Antarctic ice cores tell about the history of climate

Ice cores are the key to the ancient climate and can help us unlock the mysteries of the future 

Scientists can drill into ice sheets to obtain a cylinder of ice, called an ice core.

Ice cores are “time capsules” of the climate. Over time, annual and seasonal snow with different chemical compositions, particulates (like dust), and bubbles of air are compressed into ice.  

Credit: Bradley R. Markle via Eos

Scientists are asking the core questions 

One of Antarctica’s ice cores, Dome Concordia, shows the climate record for the past 800,000 years through the Quaternary period (2.58 million years ago – present).  

Annual temperatures are estimated using oxygen’s heavy (O18) and light (O16) varieties, called isotopes. When atmospheric temperatures increase, more energy is available to evaporate water containing more O18 from the Ocean. This water is precipitated in Antarctica and turns to ice. Scientists can relate the isotopic ratio in an ice layer to the temperature.

Trapped air is analysed for which/how much atmospheric greenhouse gases were present annually. Scientists can estimate carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) to determine the degree of global warming. 

Using this data and more, scientists can piece together past climates.  

Ice cores are key to ancient climate: Explained by Ocean Generation.

What’s the story, ice cores?

Ice cores tell us that the climate swings between stable bounds of warm interglacials happening every 100,000 years which last 15,000 – 20,000 years, and cold glacials (ice ages).

Ice cores show these key events:   

1. 800,000 years ago in the Pleistocene, ice cores show an interglacial Earth. The glacial-interglacial pattern continued from here… 

2. 430,000 years ago, the Mid-Brunhes Event marked the sudden increase in the temperature range of climate cycles.

3. The penultimate deglaciation event, seen in Antarctic ice cores extends from 132,000 -117,000 years ago.

4. From 24,000 – 17,000 years ago, the Earth was glacial, with temperatures 20°C below pre-industrial levels.

5. Deglaciation began 16,900 years ago, punctuated with tiny ice ages, called the “Bøllering-Allerød” and “Younger Dryas”, thanks to the “bi-polar seesaw” (the Northern Hemisphere cools whilst the Southern Hemisphere warms and vice versa).  

6. 15,000 years ago, ice sheets began to shrink. This heating continued into the Holocene (the official period of geological time which we currently live in)  

7. This interglacial’s temperature peaked between 14,500 and 14,000 years ago

What ice cores tell us about ancient climate.

8. From 13,800 – 12,500 years ago, Antarctica experienced a Cold Reversal, where temperatures plummeted.  

9. The Holocene interglacial began 11,000 years ago, with temperatures fluctuating between warm and cold again.  

10. 1,000 years ago, the Medieval Warm Period allowed crops to flourish, cities to rise, and populations to more than double. 

11. The Little Ice Age, from the 14th-19th centuries, caused Viking colonies in Greenland to fail.  

12. 1750 – the Industrial Revolution began. Ignorant to environmental consequences, humans started emitting greenhouse gases.  

13. Scientists mark 1800 as initiating the Anthropocene, an unofficial epoch where humans effect the climate more than natural forcings.

14. Humans have continued global warming at an unprecedented rate. Summer 2024 was the world’s warmest on record. August was the 13th in a 14-month period where global average temperatures exceeded 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

Is the past a mirror of the future? 

Levels of greenhouse gases are higher than in the past 800,000 years, with average CO2 at 419.3ppm as of 2023.  

Paleoclimatology records like ice cores and marine sediments help scientists to understand past climates and estimate future climates. They can compare different emission scenarios with the past to see how future climates may respond. 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have estimated several trajectories.

The aggressive mitigation scenario expects CO2 concentrations to remain at Pliocene-like concentrations (>350ppm) until 2350. It will still take 100s -1000s of years for concentrations to return to pre-industrial levels.

Under a middle-of-the-road scenario, CO2 peaks at 550ppm, remaining above Pliocene levels for 30,000 years.  

If CO2 reaches 1000ppm, the worst-case scenario suggests concentrations will remain at Mid-Cretaceous levels for 5000 years, Eocene levels for 10,000 years, and Pliocene levels for 300,000 years. It will take 40,000 human generations for CO2 to return to pre-industrial levels.  

Are past climates mirror of future events?
Credit: International Geographical Union

Scientists and governments can then prepare for the extreme consequences of climate change and make net-zero emission targets.

Although the Earth has recovered in the past, the future is uncertain. What will happen to our Ocean and our species? We all have opportunities to ensure a “best-case scenario”.

Antarctic ice cores unlock the past, our actions will unlock the future.  

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Why the Arctic is the fastest warming region on the planet

The changing Ocean climate: Why the Arctic is the fastest warming region

A polar biome brimming with glaciers, permafrost, and sea ice. Home to countless species, but for how much longer?  

The Arctic is extremely sensitive to environmental changes. The increase in global mean air temperature is linked to the excessive melting of Arctic sea ice: one of the most unambiguous indicators of climate change. Since 1978, the yearly minimum Arctic sea ice extent has decreased by ~40%.

Global warming is rapidly taking place due to our greenhouse gas (like carbon dioxide (CO2)) emissions. Our current emission rates of ~40 Gt CO2/year could leave the Arctic ice-free by 2050.  

Our Ocean also plays a role in climate change.  

Barents Sea is the hotspot of global warming: Explained by Ocean Generation

“The hotspot of global warming” – not the nickname you want! 

Unfortunately, this is the nickname the Arctic’s Barents Sea is bestowed. Atlantification (the process by which the warming climate alters the marine ecosystem towards a more temperate (milder) state) is to blame.  

Scientists (though they’re still not 100% sure of all processes involved) have noticed drastic changes in our Ocean where Arctic and Atlantic conditions collide.

Arctic water is colder and less salty than Atlantic water. Thawing ice releases freezing freshwater into the Ocean, keeping Arctic water buoyant. Atlantic water, being warmer and more saline, should sink beneath Arctic water, creating a salinity gradient called a halocline.  

The halocline protects ice from thawing by blocking warm water from rising.

However, because atmospheric temperatures are increasing and melting the ice, and less ice is imported into the Barents Sea, freshwater supplies are dwindling. This disrupts the halocline. Surface winds stir up the Ocean, drawing Atlantic heat upwards to melt the ice.

and the Arctic halocline explained by Ocean Generation.
Design by Grace Cardwell

Throughout the 2000s, the Barents Sea experienced a 1.5°C warming of the upper 60m of its water column, with sea ice thickness decreasing by 0.62m/decade.  

Plenty of fish in the sea – but are they the right ones?  

Birds are indicators of a changing marine ecosystem.  

After hot winters in Kongfsjord (Norway), Black Legged Kittiwake diets shifted in 2007 from Arctic cod to Atlantic capelin and, as of 2013, herring as their main meal. Whilst Kittiwakes seem to have adapted to their new diet, some species aren’t so lucky…  

The most abundant sea bird in the North Atlantic, the Little Auk, should eat Arctic zooplankton.  

The Little Auks decreased in fitness (the ability to survive and reproduce in a competitive environment) due to Atlantic water inflow. Chick growth rate decreased from six to five grams per day when Atlantic water inflow increased between 5-25% in Horsund (Norway).  

Atlantic zooplankton are a suboptimal food source for the Little Auk because they provide less energy than Arctic zooplankton. Because there is less Arctic prey, chick parents spend time and energy foraging for it and might favour their own maintenance over their chicks.  

Birds are indicators of a changing marine ecosystem
Credit: Black Legged Kittiwake by Yathin S Krishnappa, Little Auk by RSPB

Scientists anticipate the Arctic will have the largest species turnover globally, predicting a northward marine fish species migration of 40km/decade. Atlantic species are already outcompeting Arctic species, which could lead to extinction and changes in the food web. 

Could the killer whale overthrow the polar bear, which has reigned as the top Arctic predator for over 200,000 years?  

Feedback. But not the helpful kind…

In 1896, scientist Svante Arrhenius noticed that Arctic temperature changes were higher relative to lower latitudes. This is known as Arctic Amplification and has occurred for over three million years.  

The main driver of this is the albedo effect. This effect is a positive feedback mechanism, where the result of the mechanism causes the mechanism to repeat itself – in a loop. 

Dark objects absorb 93% of the sun’s energy. When the Arctic receives solar radiation in the spring, melting ice, darker areas are exposed amongst the ice which absorb more solar radiation. This reveals the even darker Ocean, repeating the loop.  

Melt seasons are becoming longer as a warming climate leads to an earlier spring melt and exposes darker areas for longer. The Barents Sea’s ice-free season increases by 40 days per decade.  

Where ice has melted, vegetation replaces tundra. Plants are darker than ice, so this furthers the albedo effect. Permafrost also melts, releasing CO2 and methane (which has 84x the warming effect of CO2 in the first 20 years after its release), contributing to the greenhouse effect and exposing darker ground.  

Since 1979, the Arctic has warmed 
nearly four times faster 
than the rest of the globe. Posted by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.

We are amplifying these positive feedbacks with greenhouse gas emissions. Since 1979, the Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the rest of the globe, with the most Arctic Amplification observed in autumn and winter.

Positive feedbacks are taking place very quickly, perhaps too quickly for negative feedbacks (like cloud cover) to balance them. Scientists are uncertain about future trajectories. 

In the past, the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum saw an ice-free Arctic. Is this a mirror of the future?  

What can be done to slow down Arctic warming

Local knowledge aids global governance and monitoring of organisms and landscapes.  

Regional plans like Alaska’s 2017 “Climate Action for Alaska” set targets for reducing emissions.  

Canada’s ArcticNet scheme distributes knowledge for policy development and adaptation strategies, helping Canadians face the challenges and opportunities of socio-economic and climate change.  

The Arctic Council involves international cooperation towards marine and science research. Arctic and non-Arctic states, indigenous representatives and NGOs engage in binding agreements, for example: committing to enhance international Arctic scientific cooperation.  

On a smaller scale, the Arctic Ice Project wants to spread silica beads across the ice to increase reflectivity.  

But it’s clear: further global cooperation is needed. In 2015, The Paris Agreement stated that temperatures shouldn’t rise 2°C above pre-industrial levels, yet global warming is continuing. 

Barents Sea is the hotspot of climate change: Explained by Ocean Generation

What can we do?  

Every tonne of CO2 we emit melts three m2 of Arctic sea ice in the summer.  

To reduce emissions, hold yourself, your country, and the businesses who produce the goods you consume accountable. Walk instead of drive. Switch off lights. Support others fighting for the Arctic.

Don’t just leave it to the scientists. The Arctic isn’t a disappearing, far-away land. Your help, regardless of scale, is necessary for our Ocean to thrive.

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