Interesting animals that use bioluminescence in the deep Ocean.  

Interesting animals that use bioluminescence in the Ocean.

Bioluminescence: Lighting up a lightless world. 

While bioluminescence is everywhere throughout our Ocean, it’s the only source of light in the deep-sea

A staggering 76% of all Oceanic marine animals are capable of bioluminescence, which means that they can produce their own light through chemical reactions inside their body.  

How does bioluminescence work in the deep Ocean 

Bioluminescence is a chemical reaction that occurs when the light-emitting molecule called luciferin reacts with a luciferase enzyme, releasing energy in the form of light. 

Bioluminescence is the only source of light in the deep Ocean.

It’s an active process, meaning it can be turned on/off, as opposed to the passive traits of fluorescence and phosphorescence. 

Some bioluminescent organisms generate their own light. Others take up bioluminescent bacteria from the water column and house it in their light organs in a symbiotic relationship. 

Marine bioluminescence is commonly expressed as blue/green light. This is most likely because these wavelengths travel further distances through the water. They’re more also easily visible in the deep Ocean.   


This is how colour gets absorbed as Ocean depth increases. ???? Demonstrated by a sea urchin skeleton. ???? Did you know: Colour is absorbed in ???? rainbow colour order. Red ???? ‘vanishes’ first (as shallow as 5m / 15ft), then orange ????, yellow ????, green ????, blue ???? and violet ???? last (around 60m / 200ft). How incredible! ???? Follow along for Ocean positive stories and science. ???? ????: j.kowitz #OceanGeneration #Ocean #OceanEducation #OneOcean #OceanDecade #OceanLover #OceanConservation #SeaUrchin #Art #OceanScience #Diver #rainbow #nature #science #sea #underwaterphotography

♬ Royalty – Egzod & Maestro Chives & Neoni

In rarer cases, red and yellow bioluminescence have also been observed in marine creatures.  

Why do marine animals emit light at all?   

In the lightless world of the deep Ocean, marine creatures have adapted to use bioluminescence to their advantage:  

1. Deep-sea anglerfish have a specialised lure to attract prey. 

Perhaps the most famous bioluminescent predator is the deep-sea anglerfish.

This ferocious hunter has a large head, incredibly sharp teeth and a long, fishing-rod-like structure that extends out from the top of its head. At the end of this rod is a ball (called the esca) which contains glowing bacteria called Photobacterium. Ringing any bells? You may recognise her from Finding Nemo.

This lure is used to attract curious prey and is also useful for finding a mate in the vast, dark expanse of the deep Ocean. 

2. Vampire squid expel bioluminescent mucus to deter predators. 

When threatened, the vampire squid inverts its body, raising its arms over its head to expose rows of spikes to deter attackers.

And if that’s not deterrent enough, they also eject a sticky, bioluminescent mucus which can startle, disorient, and confuse predators.

This defensive tactic can buy the squid enough time to escape, while also covering its predator in brightly lit fluid, leaving them vulnerable to attack.  

Why do marine animals emit light in the Ocean?
Image credit: 1. Angler fish: Dante Fenolio/Science Photo Library, 2. Vampire Squid: MBARI, 3. Stoplight Loosejaw: Oceana, 4. Lanternfish: Ocean Twilight Zone

3. Stoplight loosejaw dragonfish have red flashlights to see in the dark. 

Stoplight loosejaw dragonfish have special red-emitting light organs beneath their eyes that can be activated to look for prey.

The stoplight loosejaw is the only known animal to use chlorophyll pigments (usually found in plants) inside its eyes, which allows it to see red wavelengths of light. 

They use these red beams as a flashlight to search for prey. Since most deep-sea fish can only see blue light, these predators have a huge advantage. They can see their prey, but their prey can’t see them.

4. Lanternfish use light to blend in. 

Lanternfish have adapted an ingenious ability to camouflage themselves using light. 

These masters of disguise have rows of photophores (light-emitting organs) on their underside. They emit a faint glow which allows them to blend in with any remaining light that filters down from the surface.

This process is known as counter-illumination and renders them almost invisible to attackers hunting from below.  

Light from bioluminescence 
has the potential to reveal creatures 
that hide in the darkness.  Posted by Ocean Generation.

Some marine animals use counter measures against bioluminescence in the deep Ocean.   

Light from bioluminescence has the potential to reveal the whereabouts of creatures that hide in the darkness of the deep Ocean. 

To counter this, many take measures to disguise themselves or break up their outline. 

Many deep-sea creatures are dark red in colour. Red wavelengths of light are the first to be absorbed in the Ocean, and very few deep-sea creatures can see red light (the stoplight loosejaw being a notable exception). Red-coloured creatures therefore appear black and blend in against the near-lightless backdrop.  

Others have ultra-black skin that can absorb light from bioluminescence. For example, pelican eels are found in the midnight zone (where there’s no sunlight, and life exists in complete, constant darkness). Their skin can absorb up to 99.7% of light, rendering them virtually undetectable, even when exposed to bioluminescence. 

Transparency is another technique used for camouflage in the deep Ocean. The glass squid has been observed as deep as 2,000m, and is almost completely transparent. The only organ visible through the tissue of this small-tentacled, swollen-bodied squid is the red-coloured digestive gland. This makes it difficult to be spotted by even the most astute predator. 

Bioluminescence shines a light on our human mysteries. Posted by Ocean Generation.

Human ingenuity often takes inspiration from nature, and bioluminescence is no exception. 

Due to its unique ability to produce light without the need for an external light source, bioluminescence has been utilised in the field of medical research.

Particularly in imaging and probe techniques for cancer detection and cell culture research, bioluminescence has helped us to detect and respond to disease more effectively.  

With so much of the deep Ocean left to discover, each unique finding may lead to new and exciting medical applications.  

Bioluminescence, therefore, not only lights up the lightless world of the deep Ocean but can also shine a light on our human mysteries too.  

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What happens after a whale dies? Life after death in the deep-sea

A whale's death is called a whale fall. Posted by Ocean Generation.

A dead whale descends into the darkness of the deep-sea abyss.

In life, these majestic creatures travel vast distances playing an important role in surface ecology. But even in death, their decaying remains become a haven of life on the black Ocean floor.

Here in the deep Ocean the environment is sparse, offering fewer resources to sustain life. What falls from above, marine snow, is the steady trickle of dead organic material and supports an array of life on the seabed. 

A dead whale is a 30-tonne avalanche of fat and organic carbon, equivalent to more than 1000 years’ worth of marine snow across 100 square meters. 

A whale's death becomes an island of biodiversity in the deep Ocean.

Eventually, a whale fall (a whale’s death) becomes an island of biodiversity in the deep-Ocean.

1. It all starts with a feeding frenzy. 

Soon after the whale falls, a variety of species descend upon it and the dinner party begins.

The first to arrive are the large Ocean wanderers such as hagfish (eel-shaped jawless fish) or gigantic sleeper sharks. These mobile scavengers remove soft tissue by rasping or tearing at the flesh exposing the energy-rich skeleton, giving the name of this phase the mobile-scavenger stage.

2. As the pieces get smaller so do the scavengers. 

It can take up to two years for the mobile-scavengers to finish feeding on the whale, where the next wave of guests arrives in a second phase known as the enrichment-opportunist stage.

Animals like polychaetes (a class of marine worms) and crustaceans including amphipods (shrimp-like crustacea) will move in to feed on remaining blubber and burrow into the nutrient enriched sediments surrounding the whale.  

The remains of a whale mean life to many deep-sea animals.
Image credit: National Marine Sanctuary. Photo: OET/NOAA

3. Finally, only the bones of the whale remain.

These would seemingly have no further use. However, ecological diversity is about to flourish in the sulfophilic stage of the whale fall. The whale’s bones provide a large reservoir of energy-rich lipids, a shining prize to deep-sea organisms. 

Bacteria break down fatty lipids in the bones, releasing sulphides. The sulphides can be used to generate energy, in a process called chemosynthesis (producing food using chemicals as an energy source instead of sunlight).

These chemosynthetic bacteria have become resistant to sulphides’ toxicity and can establish bacterial mats which act as a foundational food source, supporting a huge array of marine biodiversity: sponges, mussels, limpets, sea spiders and snails.

The breakdown of bone-lipids can take 50-100 years and these mini-ecosystems are highly significant for seabed ecology. Even then, after the complete extraction of nutrients, it isn’t over.  

Decades after a whale dies, it's still essential to marine ecosystems.

Decades after a whale dies, the whale-fall is still essential to marine ecosystems:  

Some scientists believe there’s a further stage of succession: the reef stage. Even after the feeding frenzy, the whales’ bones can remain for more than 100 years, acting as hard surface for suspension feeders to settle.

These ‘habitat islands’ act as evolutionary stepping stones between other seafloor ecosystems like hydrothermal vents. This may have allowed sulphide-specialised organisms to spread across the seafloor and diverge into new species. 

What happens after a whale dies? There's extraordinary life.
The remains of a whale fall near the Davidson Seamount in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Photo: OET/NOAA

Despite whale-fall ecosystems being poorly sampled, 407 species have been found living off the carcasses globally, which is high for the bottom of the sea. Of these, 21 species can only be found on whale-fall, known as whale-fall specialists.

Whale-fall specialists are species that require a whale carcass to complete their lifecycle and maintain their populations. These marine organisms will jump from habitat island to island to survive.

For example, Osedax, Latin for “bone-eater”, are a genus of polychaetes (marine worms) found worldwide.  They are important ecosystem engineers by eroding whale bones and allowing rarer species to colonise the whale skeleton.  

How whale populations impact the global Ocean? 

Whale-falls also contribute to the conversion of inorganic carbon (CO2) into organic carbon (marine life), a set of processes known as the Biological Carbon Pump (BCP). This carbon is sequestered (stored) in the deep Ocean.  

What happens after a whale dies? Posted by Ocean Generation.
Illustration by J Yang

Whales deliver huge amounts of carbon in their biomass to the seafloor, which is then locked-away for centuries within deep-sea sediments.

Any threat to whale populations will threaten entire ecosystems and disrupt the process of carbon sequestration.

Commercial whaling, for example, has been depleting whale populations for around 1000 years, beginning in 1000CE. Experts agree that tens of millions of whales were likely killed during this period, pushing many whale species to extinction and causing the extinction of whale-fall specialist species, who rely on whale falls for survival.

A single whale-fall can provide everything a whale-fall specialist needs for 50-100 years, meaning there is a lag-time of at least 30-40 years before the decline in whale populations is felt. Which is to say, if whale populations can recover, we may be able to mitigate the impacts on deep-sea ecosystems

Whales make an incredible contribution to our Ocean.

As we follow the timeline of a whale’s life, we can see the incredible contribution whales make to the Ocean.

From enhancing surface ecology in life, to supporting entire ecosystems in death. 

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The history of Earth Day and practical actions you can take 

The history of Earth Day explained, with practical actions we can all take

Everything you need to know about the history of Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated annually on 22 April. It sparks environmental action and reminds us there is no planet B – but how and when did Earth Day start? We’re hopping in a time machine to break it down. 

Can you imagine a time when factories polluting our waterways and spitting thick, toxic smoke into the atmosphere came with no consequences? Before 1970, that was the reality.  

53 years ago, there were no legal or regulatory mechanisms in existence to protect our environment – even though climate change had started making the news in 1912.  

Unofficial Earth Flag created by John McConnell includes The Blue Marble photograph taken by the crew of Apollo 17.
Unofficial Earth Flag created by John McConnell includes The Blue Marble photograph taken by the crew of Apollo 17. Via Wikipedia.

A ripple in time: The birth of Earth Day 

In 1970, amidst a growing environmental movement in the United States, Earth Day was created by the junior senator from Wisconsin: Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Public concern about pollution, deforestation and the deterioration of natural habitats was growing but environmental action and protection wasn’t yet on the US national agenda… 

To force the issue, the Senator, along with activist Denis Hayes, envisioned a day dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and mobilising communities to take environmental action.

Although originally called the ‘Environmental Teach-In’ and aimed university students, the duo quickly realised their concept could inspire a wider audience. They renamed it Earth Day and pencilled it in on the calendar. 

On 22 April 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated. 

What did the first Earth Day look like?

Looking back at the History of Earth Day: An image of demonstrators in Philadelphia, 1970. It's believed 20 million Americans raised awareness about environmentalism on the first Earth Day. Image shared via Ocean Generation

It’s reported that 20 million Americans took part in the first Earth Day (around 10% of the total population of the United States at the time).  

They took to the streets, parks and auditoriums to demonstrate against the impacts of 150 years of industrial development.

From coast to coast, US citizens from all walks of life made it clear: They understood and were concerned about the impact we were having on the planet.  

Their voices were heard.  

In July of the same year, President Nixon called for establishment of the EPA: The Environmental Protection Agency. And in the 10 years that followed the first Earth Day, dozens of regulations to protect the environment were put in place in the US.  

President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon plant a tree on the White House South Lawn to recognise the world's first Earth Day. Shared by ocean Generation.
President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon plant a tree on the White House South Lawn to recognise the world’s first Earth Day.

The origin of Earth Day reminds us that we have immense power to influence political decision making.  

When we care, and make it known we want political action, we let the leaders of our countries know they better want it, too.   

Why Earth Day matters: A call to climate action

By 1990, Earth Day was celebrated by over 140 countries around the globe. Now, Earth Day is the largest civic observance in the world.  

No matter where we live or how old we are, there’s no denying that looking after our planet is in our best interest.  

The Ocean deserves a VIP invitation to Earth Day celebrations 

If we look down at Earth from space, most of what we see is blue. Over 70% of our planet is Ocean, but more than just big and blue, the Ocean is the beating heart and lungs of our planet.  

The Ocean absorbs 90%
of the excess heat 
associated with climate change.

5 reasons to look after the Ocean this Earth Day  

  • The Ocean is keeping us all alive. It provides over 50% of all oxygen on Earth. Simply put: If the Ocean’s ability to produce oxygen was compromised, we’d be in trouble. 
  • Around 30% of the CO2 we produce is absorbed by the Ocean. 
  • The Ocean helps regulate land temperature and drive global weather patterns. 
  • Coastal “blue carbon” ecosystems, like mangrove forests and seagrass meadows, can sequester (store) more carbon in their soils than terrestrial forests. 
  • The Ocean is the main protein source for over 3 billion people. 

We depend on a healthy Ocean for a healthy planet. In the words of Dr. Sylvia Earle, “No water, no life. No blue, no green.” 

What’s the theme for Earth Day 2024?  

In 2024, the theme for Earth Day is Planet vs. Plastics. 422 million tonnes of plastic are produced annually – half of which is for single-use purposes.

Plastic is everywhere. It’s in what we wear, the items we use daily, and it’s even in the food we eat. 

We know plastic was designed to be indestructible (so, it’s not going anywhere, anytime soon). We know it has numerous negative impacts on human health. We know single-use plastics are the biggest contributors to marine litter. And we use it anyway.  

It’s safe to say: We have a problematic relationship with plastic. 

This Earth Day, rethink your relationship with plastic. 

The 2024 theme for Earth Day 
is Planet vs. Plastics.

What action can I take this Earth Day? 

Riding the Wave of Change 

As we commemorate Earth Day, it’s important to reflect on how far we’ve come and re-commit ourselves to leaving our blue planet better than we found it. 

We only have one planet and it’s up to all of us to look after it.  

We only have one planet so we have to look after it.

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How deep is the Ocean? Explore fascinating creatures of the deep.

Explore how deep actually is our Ocean, and what fascinating creatures live in it.

Long regarded as an empty, desert-like environment with conditions too extreme for life to survive, the deep sea was historically considered insignificant.

However, our outlook on the deep-sea shifted when the HMS Challenger set off to circumnavigate the globe in 1872. It uncovered a diversity of deep-sea life previously thought impossible, and we’ve been making new and exciting discoveries ever since.  

And we’re not finished yet.

According to Ocean Census, we’ve only discovered 10% of Ocean life. It’s estimated that 1-2 million marine species remain undiscovered.

What’s more, a staggering 50% of the Earth’s surface is deep-seafloor below 3,000m. 

The deep sea was historically considered insignificant, until we discovered a diversity of life.

We’re constantly finding pieces of the puzzle to improve our understanding of this vast and complex world. From new underwater mountain ranges to previously undescribed species of deep-sea octopus, almost every deep-sea exploration mission yields mind-blowing new discoveries.  

When we consider the scale of the deep sea, we realise that it’s not an unusual habitat at all. In fact, it’s the norm for much of our blue planet, and it’s our land-based habitats that are comparatively rare.

So, how deep is the Ocean?

Let’s dive into the deep Ocean and explore this weird and wonderful world. 

Sunlight zone

We begin our voyage at the surface, in the sunlight zone. This Ocean surface layer extends from 0 – 200m (656 feet) and is where most of the visible light exists.

There’s enough sunlight here for photosynthesis, which forms the basis of the food chain. 

Despite only making up 2-3% of the entire Ocean, the oxygen in every other breath we take is produced in the sunlight zone by photosynthetic plankton (phytoplankton).   

The sunlight zone has the most-visible light in our Ocean. Posted by Ocean Generation, leaders of Ocean education.

Twilight (Mesopelagic) zone

As we descend below 200m, we enter the twilight zone. Only 1% of sunlight reaches these depths, so light is very faint.

Want to see how light disappears as you dive into the Ocean? Watch this. 

Due to the lack of sunlight, there are no primary producers (organisms that get their energy from sunlight or other non-living sources). Animals that inhabit this zone depend entirely on those living at the surface.

Some scavenge on organic waste material that rains down from above, providing a vital source of nutrition. This “marine snow” largely consists of decaying matter from dead organisms, faecal matter, detritus and other inorganic particles. 

Only 1 percent of sunlight reaches the Twilight zone in the deep Ocean.
Image credit: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Other marine life undertake a daily mass-migration to and from the deep known as diel vertical migration.

Like commuters making their way into the city, trillions of tiny deep-sea creatures ascend to more abundant waters during the night to feed. They then descend back to the deep Ocean during daylight hours to avoid predators and UV radiation.

This daily surface-to-deep commute is the largest daily migration of life on Earth, and is mostly carried out by zooplankton, krill, and other small amphipods (crustaceans). 

Permanent residents of the twilight zone are adapted to survive in this (almost) lightless world. One of the most notable features are their eyes.  

For example, the cock-eyed squid live between 200-1,000m. These lobsided creatures have an enormous left eye that’s permanently pointed up towards the surface, allowing them to spot the silhouettes of prey against the light from above. 

The cock-eyed squid have an enormous eye that's permanently pointed towards the surface.
Image credit: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Midnight (Bathypelagic) zone

At 1000m (3,280 feet), light no longer penetrates, and we’re left in complete, constant darkness.

We have now entered the Ocean’s midnight zone.

It’s cold down here, at a constant temperature of around 4˚C, and the only light comes from the bioluminescence of animals themselves.

In this vast, lightless world, it can be difficult for animals to find food and a mate.

Light no longer penetrates the Midnight zone.
Image credit: BBC Science Focus

Some extraordinary species have adapted to overcome these challenges in astonishing ways.   

1. Pelican eels have an enormous jaw relative to their body size.  

This can unfold to engulf prey much larger than the eel itself, allowing them to bypass the size-based food web structure (individuals generally only consuming food smaller than their own body size) that usually exists in surface waters. 

2. Cookie-cutter sharks have special suction-cup-like lips and bandsaw-like teeth.  

Their specialised jaw allows this parasitic attacker to attach to much larger animals and gouge out a round chunk of flesh (yes, like a cookie-cutter).  

3. Finding a mate can be equally as challenging: This is how angler fish have adapted. 

Female deep-sea angler fish are famous for their bioluminescent fishing-rod-like lure which extends out from the top of their heads (think *Finding Nemo*). Male variants, however, are much smaller in comparison.

These “dwarf males” spend their lives scouring the darkness in search of a female counterpart. When he finds her, the male latches on to the female with sharp teeth.

This attachment is followed by fusion of the epidermal (skin) tissues, and eventually his circulatory system fuses with hers. He becomes a permanent appendage to her body, in a process known as sexual parasitism.  

A female angler fish can have multiple males attached to her at any one time. 

Meet fascinating creatures of the deep Ocean: pelican eel, cookie-cutter-shark and angler fish.
Image credit: Pelican eel: Breathing Planet, Cookie cutter shark: Pally/Alamy Stock Photo, Angler fish: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Abyssal (Abyssopelagic) zone

As we descend below 3,000m (9,843 feet) in the Ocean, we reach the pitch-black bottom layer known as the Abyssal zone. Physical conditions down here are still, with slow moving currents, constant near-freezing temperatures, and bone-crushing pressures. 

Time seems to stand still. There’s no primary production and most organisms depend almost entirely on the marine snow that slowly rains down from above. 

Physical conditions are still in the abyssal zone.
Image credit: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

But it’s far from being a lifeless desert: The abyssal zone stretches across wide plains, towering seamounts and hydrothermal vent systems, covering more territory than all of Earth’s continents combined. 

Inhabitants of the abyss move and grow very slowly to minimise energy needs. 

Some individuals have specific adaptations to maximise their chances of survival. Tripod fish have modified pelvic and lower caudal fins which can extend up to a metre.  

This allows the fish to stand on stilts above the seafloor, so that it’s perfectly positioned to eat any small fish or crustacean that come travelling along the currents.  

The slow-growing nature of these abyssal ecosystems means that they take a long-time to recover from any disturbance events (if ever). Consequences of overfishing and proposed deep-sea mining of the abyssal zone will therefore cause devastating, irreversible losses to habitats and biodiversity. 

The slow-growing nature 
of the abyssal ecosystems means that they take 
a long-time to recover

The Trenches (Hadalpelagic zone)

We continue our journey below 6,000m (19,685 feet) to enter the trenches (hadal zone): The deepest part of the Ocean.  

The hadal zone was once considered unsuitable for the survival of animals. However, the rapid development of exploration technologies has allowed scientists to discover species belonging to many of different taxonomic groups at these depths, including crustaceans, molluscs, and echinoderms. 

The Pseudoliparis snailfish is the deepest known fish. It was discovered close to the very limit of survival for all fish in August 2022 at 8,336m (27,349 feet).  

Its adaptations include a flexible skeleton to tolerate extreme pressure, a gelatinous coating to improve energy efficiency, and a large stomach for opportunistic feeding.  

The hadal zone was once considered unsuitable for the survival of animals. Posted by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.
Image credit: The Guardian

We continue down to surpass the inverted height of Mount Everest at 8,849m. A further two kilometres on, we reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench and the deepest known point in the Ocean (and Earth):  

The Challenger Deep – 10,935m (35,876 feet)

The weight of all the water overhead here is over 8,000 kg per square inch. That’s roughly 1,000 times the pressure at the surface, and equivalent to 1,800 elephants on top of you! 

In 1960, Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard made history by becoming the first people to reach the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the manned submersible Trieste. This record was broken on 26th March 2012 when James Cameron made the first ever solo dive to the Challenger Deep in the Deepsea Challenger.

To this day, reaching the deepest known part of the Ocean remains a challenge for any explorer, and every expedition yields new discoveries as well as other, more ominous findings. 

During the Fendouzhe deep-sea expedition in 2020, researchers discovered plastic bags, electric wire, a beer can and fibre-optic tethers among other forms of plastic pollution in the Challenger Deep.  

This shows that even the most remote, hard-to-reach place on Earth is still not safe from human impacts. 

We can’t treat the deep-sea as out of sight and out of mind. More work needs to be done to safeguard these precious ecosystems and ensure that life in the deep doesn’t disappear before we even have the chance to understand it.  

Every expedition to the deepest part of the Ocean yields new discoveries.

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