How can we protect and restore our coastlines?

Protecting and restoring coastlines starts with us.

Coastlines are the gateway to the Ocean.

Vital ecosystems like mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, coral reefs and tidal marshes exist almost exclusively in coastal regions.  

They support a high biodiversity of life and provide key nursery and breeding areas for migratory species.

They’re also essential to the livelihoods of coastal populations, and we all rely on the important services they provide, such as carbon sequestration and protecting the coast from erosion.

Our coastlines are under threat. 

If you’re wondering which of the five key Ocean threats impact our coastlines, the answer is all of them.

Because coastlines are the boundary between land and sea, our impacts are often amplified in coastal regions due to their proximity to the cause…us.  

With more than one third (2.75 billion) of the world’s population living within 100km of the coast, it’s no surprise that coastal regions are heavily concentrated.

To supply the needs of this ever-growing population, coastal infrastructure development happens through:

  1. Coastal and marine land reclamation, the process by which parts of the Ocean are formed into land. 
  1. Infrastructure development for tourism, such as resorts and recreational facilities.  
  1. Development of ports, harbours, and their management.
Coastal infrastructure development, posted by Ocean Generation.

This is a key driver for habitat destruction (when a natural habitat can no longer support the species present) and biodiversity loss. It also increases the vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change impacts.

With higher frequencies of natural events like cyclones and hurricanes, risk of erosion, saltwater intrusion, flooding and other cascading climate change impacts, coastal regions have never been this vulnerable.

How can we protect and restore our coastlines? 

Enter: Nature Based Solutions (NBS). These are described by the IUCN as:

‘Actions to protect, sustainably use, manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems, which address societal challenges (such as climate change, food and water security) effectively and adaptively, while simultaneously providing human-wellbeing and biodiversity benefits.’ 

In other words, when we protect and restore natural ecosystems, we provide a whole host of benefits to ourselves, too.  

This can be done by restoring degraded ecosystems to their former glory and halting further loss of existing ecosystems.

When we restore natural habitats we protect ourselves too.

Ocean Solution: Habitat restoration.

Habitat restoration is the process of actively repairing and regenerating damaged ecosystems.

Restoring coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forests, coral reefs, oyster beds and seagrass meadows allow us to address environmental challenges (such as biodiversity loss). It reduces risks to vulnerable communities (like flooding, erosion, and freshwater supply). It also contributes to sustainable livelihoods by providing job opportunities.

That’s why at Ocean Generation, we support a mangrove restoration project in Madagascar, led by Eden Reforestation.

In 2022 alone, this project contributed to: 

  • Carbon sequestration and habitat restoration by planting over 4.3 million young mangrove trees.  
  • Creating sustainable livelihoods by employing around 70 people per month at the Maroalika site, with a total of 1,468 working days generated over the year.  

PSA: We plant a mangrove for every new follower on Instagram and newsletter subscriber. Sign up to our newsletter or follow us on our socials to be part of the change today. 

Interest in nature based solutions have surged lately. Posted by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.

Ocean solution: Marine Protected Areas. 

To halt ecosystem destruction and prevent further habitat loss, we must take measures to protect remaining coastal ecosystems.

One mechanism to achieve this is by implementing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). These are designated areas of the Ocean established with strict regulations to protect habitats, species and essential processes within them.

If implemented and monitored effectively, Marine Protected Areas can provide a range of benefits across biodiversity conservation, food provisioning and carbon storage

What is the 30 by 30 target? 

In recognition of the importance of healthy and thriving ecosystems, the Global Biodiversity Framework have established a “30×30” target. This calls for the conservation of 30% of the earth’s land and sea through the establishment of protected areas by 2030.

The Global Biodiversity Framework calls for 30 percent of the sea to be protected.

Spoiler alert: We’re not on track to meet this goal.

According to the Marine Protection Atlas (2024), only around 8% of the global Ocean area has been designated or proposed for MPAs, and only 2.9% of the Ocean is in fully or highly protected zones.  

Research also shows that 90% of the top 10% priority areas for biodiversity conservation are contained within coastal zones (within 200-miles of the shore). We must ramp up our efforts to preserve these vital coastal ecosystems and ensure that MPAs continue to benefit both people and planet.

What are the main challenges to implementation? 

Over the past 10 years, interest in the potential of Nature Based Solutions to help meet global climate change and biodiversity goals has surged, as we have begun to truly appreciate the importance of natural ecosystems.  

Despite this knowledge and an abundance of opportunities for implementation worldwide, marine and coastal regions still lack uptake.  

We must address the barriers to implementation to accelerate the rate of success of coastal protection worldwide, including (but not limited to):

  • Conflict of interest between stakeholders i.e. blocking of protective legislation by fishing and other extractive industries.  
  • Marine and coastal ecosystems are ‘out-of-sight, out-of-mind’. This results in a lack of public and policy awareness of their value. As a result, Nature Based Solutions are often overlooked in favour of grey infrastructure such as seawalls.  

Increasing our understanding of the vital services provided by coastal ecosystems is critical to overcoming these barriers. 

The more we appreciate what these incredible ecosystems do for us, the more likely we are to succeed in protecting and restoring our coastlines.  

Restoring coastal ecosystems help address environmental challenges

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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Surviving in the Intertidal Zone: The gateway to the Ocean 

The intertidal zone is the gateway to the Ocean

The intertidal zone is the dynamic interface between land and sea, which is constantly shifting and changing with the tide.

This extreme ecosystem is divided into four vertical zones, based on the amount of time each section is submerged. There are the low tide zone, middle tide zone, high tide zone and splash/spray zone. 

The intertidal ecosystem in the Ocean is divided into four zones
Image credit: Science Learning Hub

Anything that lives in the intertidal zone must withstand dramatic changes in moisture, temperature, salinity, and wave action.  

Marine life and ecosystems respond to these challenges either by short-term, reversible adjustments (phenotypic plasticity), or by long-term adaptations that involve heritable genetic changes (evolution). 

Let’s explore the challenges of living in this dynamic environment, and some of the ingenious ways that intertidal animals have adapted to survive here.

Intertidal animals are exposed to air for a large portion of their lives

The drying out effect of air exposure poses a challenge for these animals, and they must find ways to reduce water loss to survive here.

The most common adaptation is to avoid water loss altogether. Intertidal molluscs (like mussels and oysters) retain water within their shells and tightly seal them shut. Others seal off their shell opening with a door-like structure called an operculum (snails do this).  

Limpets seal themselves against the hard substrate using suction and produce a mucous layer at this interface to create a watertight seal.  

Limpets seal themselves agains hard substrate in the intertidal zone

Air exposure leads to greater temperature fluctuations and extremes. 

Mobile animals such as crabs avoid the largest temperature changes by shuttling between cooler and warmer environments. This technique is called behavioural thermoregulation.

For less mobile animals, thermal regulation becomes more challenging. 

More sensitive animals such as sea stars/ starfish are limited to the low tide zone where they’re more frequently submerged.

Others, such as some species of intertidal mollusc, have evolved internal mechanisms such as heat shock proteins and a high freeze tolerance. These help the animals to cope with extreme temperature variations in the high tide zone. 

Tidal pool at the beach. Posted by Ocean Generation.

The intertidal zone is characterised by severe changes in oxygen availability. 

Particularly in overcrowded tide pools, when many animals are aggregated together during low tide, increased respiration can reduce water oxygen content to critical levels. 

In response to this, some intertidal animals can switch to aerial respiration and take in oxygen from air instead of water.  

For example, the high intertidal porcelain crab (Petrolisthes) has an aerial gas exchange organ on each of their walking legs for air-breathing during periods of emersion.

Porcelain crabs can take oxygen from air instead of water. Posted by Ocean Generation.

On sandy shores, some species of mudskipper will repeatedly emerge at the surface of their burrows and take in mouthfuls of air. They deposit this air into a specialised chamber within their burrows to protect themselves and their eggs against hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions. 

On sandy shores, activities of some intertidal creatures can influence local oxygen availability.  

Lugworms burrow deep into the sediment, feeding on organic material in the sand and creating U-shaped burrows deep below the surface. These burrows help to rework and ventilate the sand. This process is known as bioturbation, which increases localised oxygen availability.

They spend their lives filtering out organic material from the sand, pooping out wiggly mounds of undigestible sand to the surface, known as ‘casts’. 

Lugworms burrow deep into the sediment in intertidal zones.

All intertidal habitats are impacted by fluctuations in salinity 

Heavy rain or river inputs can make coastal water fresher, and evaporation and droughts can cause hypersaline (saltier) conditions.

On sandy and muddy shores, intertidal worms move vertically up and down their burrows along a salinity gradient until they reach more favourable conditions.

Other animals maintain their internal osmotic (salt and water) balance in the same way that they protect themselves from water loss. Some clamping to the substrate (limpets); others closing their operculum (snails); or moving to more favourable environments (crabs).

The shallows are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. 

This can cause DNA mutations and damage to molecules needed for key biological pathways.  

To combat this, the aggregating anemone (Anthopleura elegantissima) contracts during peak levels of UV radiation. It attaches debris to its column for extra protection against harmful sun rays: Just like putting on a sunhat.

Other intertidal animals have even evolved ‘sunscreens’. These are absorptive, reflective, or light-scattering pigments in their skin and mucus which help to protect them from the damaging effects of sun exposure. 

For example, Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) is the reddish leafy seaweed that can be found on rocky shores and tide pools across the UK and Ireland. If you look closely, you’ll see that it looks slightly iridescent in the light.

This is because the tips of the growing fronds are covered in multiple, transparent layers. When sunlight hits these layers, it’s reflected away from these delicate regions, protecting this alga from harmful UV rays.

Irish Moss reflects sunlight to protect from harmful UV rays

To avoid being swept away by wave action, intertidal animals must hold on tight. 

Barnacles secrete cement, while mussels produce a sticky thread called Byssus threads to attach themselves to the rock. Once attached, these sessile animals remain in position for most of their lives.  

Other intertidal creatures rely on suction. Sea stars (starfish) have rows of tube feet on their underside. Each of their feet has a sticky, suction cup at its end that help it hold on to the rocky substrate. These also come in useful to prise apart the shells of bivalves to eat.

Sea stars have rows of tube feet to stay in place

Many adaptations are shared among diverse animal groups.  

This is an example of convergent evolution: when similar features independently evolve among different species under the same pressures.

Understanding the challenges overcome by animals living at the interface between land and sea may allow us to better understand our own historical transition from Ocean to land, millions of years ago.  

So next time you’re at the coast, see if you can spot some of these creatures and their adaptations. (Remember, they’re under enough stress already, so be respectful and don’t touch, poke or prod at them).

Take a moment to appreciate the incredible feat of survival achieved by the Ocean creatures that not only survive but thrive in this extreme environment.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  

Motion of the Ocean explained by Ocean Generation.

The Ocean spends its life in perpetual motion.

From the smallest ripple to the largest storm wave, energy from the Ocean is one of the most powerful forces on our planet. They have carved the shape of our coastlines over thousands of years. 

Many of us observe the constant motion of waves and tides, but few of us ever stop to consider how these not-so-simple certainties actually work. 

What are Ocean waves, and where do they come from 

First things first, Ocean waves are the transfer of energy across a body of water, not the movement of water itself.  

Surface waves are caused by wind out at sea. As the wind blows across the Ocean, particles near the surface are disturbed. Friction and pressure generate ripples, and this wave induced pressure causes each individual water particle to push and pull on its neighbour.

The water molecules begin to move up and down in a circular orbit, creating a wave crest. This motion propagates energy through the water in the direction of the wind. 

How waves are created in the Ocean

Once they have enough energy from the wind, these wave crests spread out and begin their journey across the open Ocean as “swells”. These swells can travel uninterrupted for thousands of miles, until they reach the shore and meet their dramatic end. 

As the wave approaches shallower water, the circular orbits of the water molecules in the lower part of the water column are disrupted by the seafloor and get slowed down by friction.

The water molecules closer to the surface are less effected by friction, so the energy continues to move through them at its original speed.  

The wave grows in height but is left unsupported as the lower part is dragged along the seafloor. Eventually, the wave finds itself with nothing underneath it, and collapses in a dramatic fashion, known as the wave “break”.  

A wave break is when a wave collapses. Posted by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.

Another form of Ocean waves that move across our planet are tides.  

The predictable rise and fall of the Ocean along our shores is as certain as the sun rising in the East and the stars coming out at night.

For centuries, humans have learned to predict the tides for navigation, fishing and other recreational activities.

But to fully understand how tides work, we must look up to space.   

The moon and Earth both exert a gravitational force and are constantly accelerating towards each other in orbit.  

As our planet accelerates towards the moon, the water on the side closest to the moon accelerates faster than the solid rock in the middle and accumulates to form a slight bulge.

This is known as tidal bulge.

As the Earth rotates, this watery swell stays in the same position relative to the moon. The land rotates into this bulge at high tide, and out of it at low tide.

So, when we stand on the beach and watch the tide going out, what we’re actually observing is the Earth rotating away from the Ocean.  

Ocean waves and tides have been shaping the universe. Posted by Ocean Generation.

But wait a second, why are there two high tides per day? 

This is where things get a bit more complicated. Put your scientist hats on, and imagine the following:

While the water on the near side bulges towards the moon, the water on the far side bulges away from the moon.

Remember that the moon and Earth are constantly accelerating towards each other in orbit.

A centrifugal force (a force which acts on an object that’s rotating) acts as a result of this spinning.

On Earth, this centrifugal force is strongest at locations facing away from the moon, causing the water to bulge away from the moon at the far side. 

Earth therefore rotates into two tidal swells each lunar day of 24 hours 50 mins. 

What is a lunar day?

A lunar day is the time it takes for a specific point on Earth to rotate from an exact point under the moon to return to the same point under the moon.

This explains why there are two high and two low tides per day, and each high tide occurs 12 hours and 25 minutes apart.  

To understand how Ocean tides work we have to look up to space.

The sun also has a gravitational tidal force on our Ocean: It’s called a solar tide 

However, it’s much smaller since the sun is much further away.  

When the sun and the moon are aligned, their lunar and solar forces combine to create a larger tide, known as spring tide.

In contrast, when the sun and moon are at a right angle, their opposing tidal forces partially cancel each other out, creating a smaller tide. This is known as neap tide.

Spring tides and neap tides explained.

Back on Earth, the shape of the coastline can have a dramatic influence on tidal magnitude 

For example, the highest tides in the world can be found in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada. The size, depth and unique funnel-shape of this coastline causes a natural oscillation (a back-and-forth movement in regular rhythm) of the water in near-perfect sync with the tide, which has an amplification effect.  

So next time you’re taking a stroll along the coast and listening to waves crashing against the shore, take a moment to consider the forces in play to make it all possible.

Waves and tides are all part of the continuous movement of energy that has formed and shaped our universe since the beginning of time.  

The highest tides in the world 
can be found in the Bay of Fundy, 
Nova Scotia, Canada.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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Are hydrothermal vents the origin of life on Earth? 

Hydrothermal vents explained by Ocean generation.

Thousands of metres down in the Galápagos Rift valley, a deep-sea camera is towed along the seafloor, capturing our first glimpse of an extraordinary and alien world

Towering chimneys pumping out plumes of black smoke cover the seabed; these are hydrothermal vents.

Despite low oxygen levels, high toxicity and fluid temperatures of up to 350°C, hydrothermal vents host a remarkably diverse array of Ocean life.

These Ocean creatures are specially adapted to these extreme conditions: Giant tubeworms, beds of mussels and clams, fluffy crabs, pink vent fish and more.

The discovery of hydrothermal vents in 1976/ 1977 prompted a new branch of deep-sea biology. Since then more and more species have been discovered. 

Hydrothermal vents may hold the secret to the origin of life on Earth.
Image credit: Meteored

Where are hydrothermal vents found?

Hydrothermal vents were one of the first environments to have existed on Earth and have been bubbling away for over 4 billion years. 

Hydrothermal vents can form anywhere a heat source meets a fluid system. They often occur on the seafloor at tectonic plate boundaries. The hot, upwelling magma heats up seawater which is ejected as mineral-rich plumes. 

They are mostly found in the abyssal zone of the Ocean (3,000 – 6,000m). While the majority (65%) of the hydrothermal vents are located close to the tectonic plate boundaries, they are also common (12%) along chains of underwater volcanoes, called volcanic arcs.  

In 2000, a new type of vent was discovered, located several kilometres from a divergent plate boundary (tectonic plates that are moving apart) called Lost City vents. They resemble the spires of an underwater metropolis like Atlantis. 

Hydrothermal vents are found at tectonic plate boundaries. Posted by Ocean Generation.
Image credit: Pearson Education

Take a look at some of the weird and wonderful Ocean life found in the deep-sea: 

Annelid tubeworms (Riftia pachyptila) 

Also called ‘giant tubeworms’, these are extremophiles, meaning they’re able to live in extreme environments, and can reach over 1.8 metres (six feet) tall.

They have a unique body plan with no mouth or anus and their lifestyle is unique, too as they rely entirely on symbiotic bacteria as a food source.  

The Yeti Crab (Kiwa hirsuta) 

This new family of crab was discovered in 2005 and has claws covered in dense setae (stiff bristles). They get almost all their food from the chemoautotrophic bacteria (bacteria that can turn inorganic chemicals into energy) that live in these bristly structures.

These furry crabs have been seen to wave their claws to help provide a flow of oxygen and minerals to their symbiotic bacteria.  

Pompeii worm (Alvinella pompejana)  

Named after the explosive eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii, the Pompeii worm is the most heat tolerant animal we know of. They can survive temperatures at high as 80°C. One physiological adaptation Pompeii worms have evolved to survive these extreme temperatures are heat shock proteins. These’re specific proteins which provide cells with thermal stability.  

Some Ocean creatures specifically adapted to these conditions.
Image credit: 1. Yeti crab: MBARI 2. Tubeworms: Britannica, 3. Pompei worm: Wikipedia

So how are these marine animals living in such extreme conditions? 

Photosynthesis often gets all the credit for providing the energy that flows through food webs by converting light energy into food.

However, there is another lesser-known reaction. Chemosynthesis does the same thing but draws from chemical energy instead. This reaction is what supports the diverse communities we see at hydrothermal vents.

Could hydrothermal vents have sparked the origin of life on Earth 

Chemosynthetic bacteria found in these communities use the toxic hydrogen sulphide released by hydrothermal vents to convert carbon dioxide into organic carbon molecules.

These form the building blocks to all life on Earth.  

It’s this nifty reaction that’s enabled deep-sea organisms to adapt and survive at hydrothermal vents.  

Could hydrothermal vents have sparked the origin of life on Earth?

Animals living here have formed symbiotic relationships with these bacteria which can be incorporated into tissues (endosymbiosis) or on the animal surfaces (ectosymbiosis).

These chemosynthetic bacteria provide energy from the environment for their host. This can be so efficient that some creatures (such as the annelid tubeworm) don’t need to feed at all. 

The discovery of these self-sufficient ecosystems cast new light on the origins of life on Earth. It was here that the unique conditions were suitable for a spontaneous metabolism (the spontaneous formation of molecules that are essential for all life) to occur. 

This discovery gave rise to the question: Does the Ocean hold secret to the origin of life on Earth? 

Theories on the origin of life range from lighting speeding up reactions to comets delivering organic molecules from outer space.

The ancient process of chemosynthesis precedes photosynthesis, and likely sustained the earliest life on Earth. 

Bacteria were some of the first life forms to emerge. The most striking piece of evidence are the parallels between the chemistry spontaneously occurring at these vents and the core metabolic reactions found in these single-celled organisms. 

Thesel vents may hold the secret to the origin of life on Earth.
Image credit: Meteored

Cyanobacteria are an ancient group of photosynthetic microbes which represent one of the earliest forms of life on Earth. With fossils dating back to 2000 – 3500 million years ago, these single-celled organisms evolved photosynthesis, allowing life to rise up from the darkness below.  

The rest is history. 

Since their discovery, hydrothermal vents have become the most popular theory among scientists for explaining the origins of life on Earth. Yet much remains to be discovered. Secrets still held within these mysterious ecosystems have the potential to revise our life-on-Earth theories once again. 

Cover image via Research Feature.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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Interesting animals that use bioluminescence in the deep Ocean.  

Interesting animals that use bioluminescence in the Ocean.

Bioluminescence: Lighting up a lightless world. 

While bioluminescence is everywhere throughout our Ocean, it’s the only source of light in the deep-sea

A staggering 76% of all Oceanic marine animals are capable of bioluminescence, which means that they can produce their own light through chemical reactions inside their body.  

How does bioluminescence work in the deep Ocean 

Bioluminescence is a chemical reaction that occurs when the light-emitting molecule called luciferin reacts with a luciferase enzyme, releasing energy in the form of light. 

Bioluminescence is the only source of light in the deep Ocean.

It’s an active process, meaning it can be turned on/off, as opposed to the passive traits of fluorescence and phosphorescence. 

Some bioluminescent organisms generate their own light. Others take up bioluminescent bacteria from the water column and house it in their light organs in a symbiotic relationship. 

Marine bioluminescence is commonly expressed as blue/green light. This is most likely because these wavelengths travel further distances through the water. They’re more also easily visible in the deep Ocean.   


This is how colour gets absorbed as Ocean depth increases. ???? Demonstrated by a sea urchin skeleton. ???? Did you know: Colour is absorbed in ???? rainbow colour order. Red ???? ‘vanishes’ first (as shallow as 5m / 15ft), then orange ????, yellow ????, green ????, blue ???? and violet ???? last (around 60m / 200ft). How incredible! ???? Follow along for Ocean positive stories and science. ???? ????: j.kowitz #OceanGeneration #Ocean #OceanEducation #OneOcean #OceanDecade #OceanLover #OceanConservation #SeaUrchin #Art #OceanScience #Diver #rainbow #nature #science #sea #underwaterphotography

♬ Royalty – Egzod & Maestro Chives & Neoni

In rarer cases, red and yellow bioluminescence have also been observed in marine creatures.  

Why do marine animals emit light at all?   

In the lightless world of the deep Ocean, marine creatures have adapted to use bioluminescence to their advantage:  

1. Deep-sea anglerfish have a specialised lure to attract prey. 

Perhaps the most famous bioluminescent predator is the deep-sea anglerfish.

This ferocious hunter has a large head, incredibly sharp teeth and a long, fishing-rod-like structure that extends out from the top of its head. At the end of this rod is a ball (called the esca) which contains glowing bacteria called Photobacterium. Ringing any bells? You may recognise her from Finding Nemo.

This lure is used to attract curious prey and is also useful for finding a mate in the vast, dark expanse of the deep Ocean. 

2. Vampire squid expel bioluminescent mucus to deter predators. 

When threatened, the vampire squid inverts its body, raising its arms over its head to expose rows of spikes to deter attackers.

And if that’s not deterrent enough, they also eject a sticky, bioluminescent mucus which can startle, disorient, and confuse predators.

This defensive tactic can buy the squid enough time to escape, while also covering its predator in brightly lit fluid, leaving them vulnerable to attack.  

Why do marine animals emit light in the Ocean?
Image credit: 1. Angler fish: Dante Fenolio/Science Photo Library, 2. Vampire Squid: MBARI, 3. Stoplight Loosejaw: Oceana, 4. Lanternfish: Ocean Twilight Zone

3. Stoplight loosejaw dragonfish have red flashlights to see in the dark. 

Stoplight loosejaw dragonfish have special red-emitting light organs beneath their eyes that can be activated to look for prey.

The stoplight loosejaw is the only known animal to use chlorophyll pigments (usually found in plants) inside its eyes, which allows it to see red wavelengths of light. 

They use these red beams as a flashlight to search for prey. Since most deep-sea fish can only see blue light, these predators have a huge advantage. They can see their prey, but their prey can’t see them.

4. Lanternfish use light to blend in. 

Lanternfish have adapted an ingenious ability to camouflage themselves using light. 

These masters of disguise have rows of photophores (light-emitting organs) on their underside. They emit a faint glow which allows them to blend in with any remaining light that filters down from the surface.

This process is known as counter-illumination and renders them almost invisible to attackers hunting from below.  

Light from bioluminescence 
has the potential to reveal creatures 
that hide in the darkness.  Posted by Ocean Generation.

Some marine animals use counter measures against bioluminescence in the deep Ocean.   

Light from bioluminescence has the potential to reveal the whereabouts of creatures that hide in the darkness of the deep Ocean. 

To counter this, many take measures to disguise themselves or break up their outline. 

Many deep-sea creatures are dark red in colour. Red wavelengths of light are the first to be absorbed in the Ocean, and very few deep-sea creatures can see red light (the stoplight loosejaw being a notable exception). Red-coloured creatures therefore appear black and blend in against the near-lightless backdrop.  

Others have ultra-black skin that can absorb light from bioluminescence. For example, pelican eels are found in the midnight zone (where there’s no sunlight, and life exists in complete, constant darkness). Their skin can absorb up to 99.7% of light, rendering them virtually undetectable, even when exposed to bioluminescence. 

Transparency is another technique used for camouflage in the deep Ocean. The glass squid has been observed as deep as 2,000m, and is almost completely transparent. The only organ visible through the tissue of this small-tentacled, swollen-bodied squid is the red-coloured digestive gland. This makes it difficult to be spotted by even the most astute predator. 

Bioluminescence shines a light on our human mysteries. Posted by Ocean Generation.

Human ingenuity often takes inspiration from nature, and bioluminescence is no exception. 

Due to its unique ability to produce light without the need for an external light source, bioluminescence has been utilised in the field of medical research.

Particularly in imaging and probe techniques for cancer detection and cell culture research, bioluminescence has helped us to detect and respond to disease more effectively.  

With so much of the deep Ocean left to discover, each unique finding may lead to new and exciting medical applications.  

Bioluminescence, therefore, not only lights up the lightless world of the deep Ocean but can also shine a light on our human mysteries too.  

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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What happens after a whale dies? Life after death in the deep-sea

A whale's death is called a whale fall. Posted by Ocean Generation.

A dead whale descends into the darkness of the deep-sea abyss.

In life, these majestic creatures travel vast distances playing an important role in surface ecology. But even in death, their decaying remains become a haven of life on the black Ocean floor.

Here in the deep Ocean the environment is sparse, offering fewer resources to sustain life. What falls from above, marine snow, is the steady trickle of dead organic material and supports an array of life on the seabed. 

A dead whale is a 30-tonne avalanche of fat and organic carbon, equivalent to more than 1000 years’ worth of marine snow across 100 square meters. 

A whale's death becomes an island of biodiversity in the deep Ocean.

Eventually, a whale fall (a whale’s death) becomes an island of biodiversity in the deep-Ocean.

1. It all starts with a feeding frenzy. 

Soon after the whale falls, a variety of species descend upon it and the dinner party begins.

The first to arrive are the large Ocean wanderers such as hagfish (eel-shaped jawless fish) or gigantic sleeper sharks. These mobile scavengers remove soft tissue by rasping or tearing at the flesh exposing the energy-rich skeleton, giving the name of this phase the mobile-scavenger stage.

2. As the pieces get smaller so do the scavengers. 

It can take up to two years for the mobile-scavengers to finish feeding on the whale, where the next wave of guests arrives in a second phase known as the enrichment-opportunist stage.

Animals like polychaetes (a class of marine worms) and crustaceans including amphipods (shrimp-like crustacea) will move in to feed on remaining blubber and burrow into the nutrient enriched sediments surrounding the whale.  

The remains of a whale mean life to many deep-sea animals.
Image credit: National Marine Sanctuary. Photo: OET/NOAA

3. Finally, only the bones of the whale remain.

These would seemingly have no further use. However, ecological diversity is about to flourish in the sulfophilic stage of the whale fall. The whale’s bones provide a large reservoir of energy-rich lipids, a shining prize to deep-sea organisms. 

Bacteria break down fatty lipids in the bones, releasing sulphides. The sulphides can be used to generate energy, in a process called chemosynthesis (producing food using chemicals as an energy source instead of sunlight).

These chemosynthetic bacteria have become resistant to sulphides’ toxicity and can establish bacterial mats which act as a foundational food source, supporting a huge array of marine biodiversity: sponges, mussels, limpets, sea spiders and snails.

The breakdown of bone-lipids can take 50-100 years and these mini-ecosystems are highly significant for seabed ecology. Even then, after the complete extraction of nutrients, it isn’t over.  

Decades after a whale dies, it's still essential to marine ecosystems.

Decades after a whale dies, the whale-fall is still essential to marine ecosystems:  

Some scientists believe there’s a further stage of succession: the reef stage. Even after the feeding frenzy, the whales’ bones can remain for more than 100 years, acting as hard surface for suspension feeders to settle.

These ‘habitat islands’ act as evolutionary stepping stones between other seafloor ecosystems like hydrothermal vents. This may have allowed sulphide-specialised organisms to spread across the seafloor and diverge into new species. 

What happens after a whale dies? There's extraordinary life.
The remains of a whale fall near the Davidson Seamount in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Photo: OET/NOAA

Despite whale-fall ecosystems being poorly sampled, 407 species have been found living off the carcasses globally, which is high for the bottom of the sea. Of these, 21 species can only be found on whale-fall, known as whale-fall specialists.

Whale-fall specialists are species that require a whale carcass to complete their lifecycle and maintain their populations. These marine organisms will jump from habitat island to island to survive.

For example, Osedax, Latin for “bone-eater”, are a genus of polychaetes (marine worms) found worldwide.  They are important ecosystem engineers by eroding whale bones and allowing rarer species to colonise the whale skeleton.  

How whale populations impact the global Ocean? 

Whale-falls also contribute to the conversion of inorganic carbon (CO2) into organic carbon (marine life), a set of processes known as the Biological Carbon Pump (BCP). This carbon is sequestered (stored) in the deep Ocean.  

What happens after a whale dies? Posted by Ocean Generation.
Illustration by J Yang

Whales deliver huge amounts of carbon in their biomass to the seafloor, which is then locked-away for centuries within deep-sea sediments.

Any threat to whale populations will threaten entire ecosystems and disrupt the process of carbon sequestration.

Commercial whaling, for example, has been depleting whale populations for around 1000 years, beginning in 1000CE. Experts agree that tens of millions of whales were likely killed during this period, pushing many whale species to extinction and causing the extinction of whale-fall specialist species, who rely on whale falls for survival.

A single whale-fall can provide everything a whale-fall specialist needs for 50-100 years, meaning there is a lag-time of at least 30-40 years before the decline in whale populations is felt. Which is to say, if whale populations can recover, we may be able to mitigate the impacts on deep-sea ecosystems

Whales make an incredible contribution to our Ocean.

As we follow the timeline of a whale’s life, we can see the incredible contribution whales make to the Ocean.

From enhancing surface ecology in life, to supporting entire ecosystems in death. 

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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How deep is the Ocean? Explore fascinating creatures of the deep.

Explore how deep actually is our Ocean, and what fascinating creatures live in it.

Long regarded as an empty, desert-like environment with conditions too extreme for life to survive, the deep sea was historically considered insignificant.

However, our outlook on the deep-sea shifted when the HMS Challenger set off to circumnavigate the globe in 1872. It uncovered a diversity of deep-sea life previously thought impossible, and we’ve been making new and exciting discoveries ever since.  

And we’re not finished yet.

According to Ocean Census, we’ve only discovered 10% of Ocean life. It’s estimated that 1-2 million marine species remain undiscovered.

What’s more, a staggering 50% of the Earth’s surface is deep-seafloor below 3,000m. 

The deep sea was historically considered insignificant, until we discovered a diversity of life.

We’re constantly finding pieces of the puzzle to improve our understanding of this vast and complex world. From new underwater mountain ranges to previously undescribed species of deep-sea octopus, almost every deep-sea exploration mission yields mind-blowing new discoveries.  

When we consider the scale of the deep sea, we realise that it’s not an unusual habitat at all. In fact, it’s the norm for much of our blue planet, and it’s our land-based habitats that are comparatively rare.

So, how deep is the Ocean?

Let’s dive into the deep Ocean and explore this weird and wonderful world. 

Sunlight zone

We begin our voyage at the surface, in the sunlight zone. This Ocean surface layer extends from 0 – 200m (656 feet) and is where most of the visible light exists.

There’s enough sunlight here for photosynthesis, which forms the basis of the food chain. 

Despite only making up 2-3% of the entire Ocean, the oxygen in every other breath we take is produced in the sunlight zone by photosynthetic plankton (phytoplankton).   

The sunlight zone has the most-visible light in our Ocean. Posted by Ocean Generation, leaders of Ocean education.

Twilight (Mesopelagic) zone

As we descend below 200m, we enter the twilight zone. Only 1% of sunlight reaches these depths, so light is very faint.

Want to see how light disappears as you dive into the Ocean? Watch this. 

Due to the lack of sunlight, there are no primary producers (organisms that get their energy from sunlight or other non-living sources). Animals that inhabit this zone depend entirely on those living at the surface.

Some scavenge on organic waste material that rains down from above, providing a vital source of nutrition. This “marine snow” largely consists of decaying matter from dead organisms, faecal matter, detritus and other inorganic particles. 

Only 1 percent of sunlight reaches the Twilight zone in the deep Ocean.
Image credit: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Other marine life undertake a daily mass-migration to and from the deep known as diel vertical migration.

Like commuters making their way into the city, trillions of tiny deep-sea creatures ascend to more abundant waters during the night to feed. They then descend back to the deep Ocean during daylight hours to avoid predators and UV radiation.

This daily surface-to-deep commute is the largest daily migration of life on Earth, and is mostly carried out by zooplankton, krill, and other small amphipods (crustaceans). 

Permanent residents of the twilight zone are adapted to survive in this (almost) lightless world. One of the most notable features are their eyes.  

For example, the cock-eyed squid live between 200-1,000m. These lobsided creatures have an enormous left eye that’s permanently pointed up towards the surface, allowing them to spot the silhouettes of prey against the light from above. 

The cock-eyed squid have an enormous eye that's permanently pointed towards the surface.
Image credit: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Midnight (Bathypelagic) zone

At 1000m (3,280 feet), light no longer penetrates, and we’re left in complete, constant darkness.

We have now entered the Ocean’s midnight zone.

It’s cold down here, at a constant temperature of around 4˚C, and the only light comes from the bioluminescence of animals themselves.

In this vast, lightless world, it can be difficult for animals to find food and a mate.

Light no longer penetrates the Midnight zone.
Image credit: BBC Science Focus

Some extraordinary species have adapted to overcome these challenges in astonishing ways.   

1. Pelican eels have an enormous jaw relative to their body size.  

This can unfold to engulf prey much larger than the eel itself, allowing them to bypass the size-based food web structure (individuals generally only consuming food smaller than their own body size) that usually exists in surface waters. 

2. Cookie-cutter sharks have special suction-cup-like lips and bandsaw-like teeth.  

Their specialised jaw allows this parasitic attacker to attach to much larger animals and gouge out a round chunk of flesh (yes, like a cookie-cutter).  

3. Finding a mate can be equally as challenging: This is how angler fish have adapted. 

Female deep-sea angler fish are famous for their bioluminescent fishing-rod-like lure which extends out from the top of their heads (think *Finding Nemo*). Male variants, however, are much smaller in comparison.

These “dwarf males” spend their lives scouring the darkness in search of a female counterpart. When he finds her, the male latches on to the female with sharp teeth.

This attachment is followed by fusion of the epidermal (skin) tissues, and eventually his circulatory system fuses with hers. He becomes a permanent appendage to her body, in a process known as sexual parasitism.  

A female angler fish can have multiple males attached to her at any one time. 

Meet fascinating creatures of the deep Ocean: pelican eel, cookie-cutter-shark and angler fish.
Image credit: Pelican eel: Breathing Planet, Cookie cutter shark: Pally/Alamy Stock Photo, Angler fish: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Abyssal (Abyssopelagic) zone

As we descend below 3,000m (9,843 feet) in the Ocean, we reach the pitch-black bottom layer known as the Abyssal zone. Physical conditions down here are still, with slow moving currents, constant near-freezing temperatures, and bone-crushing pressures. 

Time seems to stand still. There’s no primary production and most organisms depend almost entirely on the marine snow that slowly rains down from above. 

Physical conditions are still in the abyssal zone.
Image credit: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

But it’s far from being a lifeless desert: The abyssal zone stretches across wide plains, towering seamounts and hydrothermal vent systems, covering more territory than all of Earth’s continents combined. 

Inhabitants of the abyss move and grow very slowly to minimise energy needs. 

Some individuals have specific adaptations to maximise their chances of survival. Tripod fish have modified pelvic and lower caudal fins which can extend up to a metre.  

This allows the fish to stand on stilts above the seafloor, so that it’s perfectly positioned to eat any small fish or crustacean that come travelling along the currents.  

The slow-growing nature of these abyssal ecosystems means that they take a long-time to recover from any disturbance events (if ever). Consequences of overfishing and proposed deep-sea mining of the abyssal zone will therefore cause devastating, irreversible losses to habitats and biodiversity. 

The slow-growing nature 
of the abyssal ecosystems means that they take 
a long-time to recover

The Trenches (Hadalpelagic zone)

We continue our journey below 6,000m (19,685 feet) to enter the trenches (hadal zone): The deepest part of the Ocean.  

The hadal zone was once considered unsuitable for the survival of animals. However, the rapid development of exploration technologies has allowed scientists to discover species belonging to many of different taxonomic groups at these depths, including crustaceans, molluscs, and echinoderms. 

The Pseudoliparis snailfish is the deepest known fish. It was discovered close to the very limit of survival for all fish in August 2022 at 8,336m (27,349 feet).  

Its adaptations include a flexible skeleton to tolerate extreme pressure, a gelatinous coating to improve energy efficiency, and a large stomach for opportunistic feeding.  

The hadal zone was once considered unsuitable for the survival of animals. Posted by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.
Image credit: The Guardian

We continue down to surpass the inverted height of Mount Everest at 8,849m. A further two kilometres on, we reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench and the deepest known point in the Ocean (and Earth):  

The Challenger Deep – 10,935m (35,876 feet)

The weight of all the water overhead here is over 8,000 kg per square inch. That’s roughly 1,000 times the pressure at the surface, and equivalent to 1,800 elephants on top of you! 

In 1960, Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard made history by becoming the first people to reach the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the manned submersible Trieste. This record was broken on 26th March 2012 when James Cameron made the first ever solo dive to the Challenger Deep in the Deepsea Challenger.

To this day, reaching the deepest known part of the Ocean remains a challenge for any explorer, and every expedition yields new discoveries as well as other, more ominous findings. 

During the Fendouzhe deep-sea expedition in 2020, researchers discovered plastic bags, electric wire, a beer can and fibre-optic tethers among other forms of plastic pollution in the Challenger Deep.  

This shows that even the most remote, hard-to-reach place on Earth is still not safe from human impacts. 

We can’t treat the deep-sea as out of sight and out of mind. More work needs to be done to safeguard these precious ecosystems and ensure that life in the deep doesn’t disappear before we even have the chance to understand it.  

Every expedition to the deepest part of the Ocean yields new discoveries.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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Citizen science: Monitoring the turtles of the Red Sea

Sea turtle monitoring at the Red Sea, a Wavemaker Story by Serag Heiba. Posted by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.

The Red Sea is a storied body of water that many have heard of, but few are familiar with.

Its history will bring up names like Hatshepsut and Moses, and its present is fraught with tales of piracy and political unrest.

But there’s another side to the Red Sea. As the most northern tropical sea, it boasts an incredible biodiversity that makes it both stunningly beautiful and ecologically vital. 

I had the pleasure of spending two weeks with TurtleWatch Egypt 2.0, an organisation dedicated to monitoring the endangered sea turtle populations of Egypt’s Red Sea coast.  

They launched as an initiative in 2011, and registered as an NGO in 2022. I was curious to learn more about marine conservation in my home country. To my luck, TurtleWatch was the perfect place to start. 

Red Sea coast is a world-renowned spot for diving.
Photo by Raimond Clavins

Based in the small town of Marsa Alam, their day-to-day work may be a dream for many thalassophiles.

Mornings are spent diving in bays rich with seagrass and corals, snapping photos of sea turtles and measuring data like shell length and water temperature.

Of course, their work has less idyllic parts too. Never-ending paperwork, grant applications, and database updates are just as important to the organisation’s functioning.  

A member of the TurtleWatch team photographing a green sea turtle. The photo will later be used to identify the turtle and update their database.
Photo by Micol Montagna

There’s one other thing that makes TurtleWatch especially unique: citizen science.  

They were the first initiative in Egypt aimed at involving divers and snorkelers in marine conservation research.

How? By allowing visitors to the Red Sea to upload their own sightings and pictures of sea turtles, TurtleWatch taps into the potential of everyday people to contribute as citizen scientists.  

These contributions help TurtleWatch identify important feeding and gathering sites for sea turtles, and better understand their movements and short-term migrations. It also helps them assess the impacts people have on these endangered animals.

They use this information to not only improve conservation and protection efforts, but to organise training sessions for dive centres and deliver “turtle talks” to young children, students, and tourists. 

TurtleWatch delivering a turtle talk at a local kindergarten, as explained in a Wavemaker Story published by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.
Photo by Micol Montagna

Citizen science is not a new concept.

It has been used around the world to classify galaxies and track illegal fishing. But in a place like the Red Sea, which is understudied and where data is insufficient, TurtleWatch has managed to greatly extend their eyes and ears beyond their local vicinity.

Sightings come from all over the coast, and in 2023 they received over 1000 sightings.

It makes perfect sense: Egypt’s Red Sea coast is filled with towns and resorts buzzing with snorkelers and divers, so why not involve them in the effort to protect the very marine life they’ve come here to enjoy? 

Snorllekers help safeguarding sea turtles with the help of citizen science.

As with everywhere else, the Red Sea hasn’t escaped the destructive impacts of people on the natural world.

Coastal development and tourism are polluting the marine environment and leaving physical scars, while warming waters and acidification are harming the Red Sea’s ability to withstand changes.

The good news is that corals in the Red Sea are some of the most resilient on the planet and could help us protect other corals reefs in the future. 

Coastal development and tourism are polluting marine life in Egypt. Wavemaker Story posted by Ocean Generation.

But before that’s possible, we will need better regulations and more marine protected areas to safeguard the Red Sea.

Organisations like TurtleWatch—with the aid of citizen science—are doing their part to provide much-needed data and help protect this beautiful sea for future generations.  

Thank you for raising your voice for the Ocean, Serag!

Connect with Serag Heiba via LinkedIn. Learn about how to submit your own Wavemaker Story here.

Disclaimer: Ocean Generation has no official affiliation with TurtleWatch. Mention of or reference to TurtleWatch is not an endorsement or sponsorship by Ocean Generation. The views, opinions, and activities of TurtleWatch are independent of Ocean Generation.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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The art of not drifting apart: life lessons from sea otters 

Sea otters hold hands to not drift apart, a Wavemaker Story by Katie.

I took pride in my stubbornness as a young child.  My family can attest to this.

For many years I used to make a point of objecting whenever museums or art exhibitions were suggested as “fun” family activities.

Wandering around such places for hours on end did not exactly line up with my vision of crafting mud pies in the garden to serve to my siblings. 

My exception to this rule was the Seattle Aquarium. Seattle Waterfront’s Pier 59 is home to habitats with names like Life on the Edge, Crashing Waves, and Window on Washington Waters, showcasing the vast diversity of life in the Ocean.

To this day this aquarium remains an established part of the itinerary whenever I’m in Seattle.  

The Seattle Aquarium showcases the vast diversity of life in our Ocean. A Wavemaker Story by Katie, posted by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.

Two current aquarium inhabitants are particularly special to me. Mishka and Sekiu are sea otters who I could watch for hours as they effortlessly glide through the water and playfully twist and turn and bump into each other.

I have a soft spot for this species because it was a sea otter poster that first persuaded me to break my previously steadfast no “fun” family activities rule and step foot in the aquarium.  

“We hold hands in our sleep, so we never drift apart 

These were the words written on that poster. I learnt that this phrase describes the way some sea otters have been observed to hold each other’s paws while resting in a group (called a ‘raft’).  

Since that first aquarium visit, I have gone on to pursue a degree in biology. My days are now filled with learning about the pressing challenges of global biodiversity loss and climate change, alongside uplifting stories of conservation success and awesome cutting-edge research.  

Otters hold hands in their sleep so they never drift apart.

One of my friends asked me recently if I had to choose one takeaway from my degree to share with others, what would it be? Given the breadth of the field of biology I took some time to think about it.  

“We hold hands in our sleep, so we never drift apart” 

I read these words again, this time printed on a Seattle Aquarium magnet, and now have an answer for her.    

Our actions, big or small, impact our blue planet.

As a species, humans have picked up a habit of drifting apart from nature.

Societies across the world have grown, developed, and flourished. But societal complexity has historically come at the cost of increased disconnect from the wild.

Take a moment to consider where the food that you consume comes from. The journey the coffee beans took to give you that morning brew. The origin of the materials in the clothes that you wear. 

Nature provides these resources that fuel our lives.

Yet for many products, disconnect from nature is a goal. After all, meat encased in neat plastic packaging is more comfortable to consume than the reminder of its origin in nature.

Humans have picked up a habit of drifting apart from nature.

Humans benefit from the natural biological, chemical, and physical processes, such as nutrient cycles and food webs, that occur within ecosystems. Examples of these benefits, known as ‘ecosystem services’, include resource provision, crop pollination, clean water, and climate regulation.

Recognising ecosystem services is crucial because harm inflicted upon nature diminishes its ability to provide these essential services.  

It can be easy to forget that humans are a species too. Our scientific name is Homo sapiens. Humans are an inherent part of nature, and yet we often detach ourselves from it. It’s as if when we walk out of that aquarium we are no longer connected to the Ocean.  

This could not be further from the truth.  

All our actions, big and small, impact the planet. As is characteristic of human nature, we have the potential for good, bad, and everything in between. For instance, while overconsumption puts pressure on ecosystems and the services that they provide, conservation programs act to preserve and protect the environment.  

It is up to us – as imperfect human beings – to try our best, maximise our positive impacts and minimise the negatives.  

So, how can we avoid drifting apart from nature? 

  • Reconnect with nature by spending more time outside  
  • Be a conscious and mindful consumer 
  • Actively educate yourself about the Ocean and the environment 
  • Engage with conservation initiatives 

The connection between people and planet must be acknowledged. We cannot afford to drift apart from the natural world. 

As if we walk out of the Aquarium, we're no longer connected to the Ocean.

Thank you for raising your voice for the Ocean, Katie!

Connect with Katie Curtis-Smith via LinkedIn or her Instagram page. Learn about how to submit your own Wavemaker Story here.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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Why there’s no health without the Ocean.

A healthy Ocean is our greatest ally against climate change.

Our health depends on the Ocean.  

This statement is true, of course, but it’s very easy to become desensitised to this idea when it all seems so abstract. 

In this modern world, it’s easy to overlook the fundamental basis of our survival that we often take for granted.

It can be hard to directly link our everyday lives and habits to the Ocean, especially for those of us who don’t live anywhere near the coast, and don’t interact with the sea on a regular basis. 

This can leave many of us feeling disconnected and disengaged from Ocean action. 

A quote saying "Our health depends on the Ocean" in a science article discussing why a healthy Ocean is key to our survival.

But let’s dive deeper into this statement to find out what a healthy Ocean really means to us (humanity), and why we should must care.

A healthy Ocean is key to our survival 

In fact, the Ocean provides all the fundamental resources that we need to survive:

1. Air: The oxygen in every second breath we take comes from the Ocean.

It’s also believed that tiny, single-celled algae called Cyanobacteria provided the atmospheric conditions suitable for our very existence around 2.4 billion years ago.  (That’s referred to as the Great Oxidation Event.)  

2. Water: All water on the planet is connected by a system known as the hydrological cycle.

Water evaporates from the Ocean’s surface to form clouds, which provide us with the fresh water that we use to drink, shower, and cook with.  

It’s all connected via rivers, streams, and groundwater tables.

Even the water that makes up 60% of your own body was part of the Ocean at some point. 

Our Ocean provides air, water, food and shelter for our survival.

3. Food: Seafood provides a primary source of protein for over 3.3 billion people.

That’s over 40% of the global population (8.1 billion in 2023). The Ocean also drives the rain systems and climate patterns which help our crops to grow.

So even if you don’t eat fish, the Ocean still indirectly provides the food that you eat.

4. Shelter: The Ocean has been present during every element of our evolutionary history as human beings and continues to shape the way our society functions. 

River basins, where land meets the sea, represent the earliest relationship between human society and nature. These areas of fertile plain fields, rich soil and abundant water resources allowed for the very first human civilisations to thrive.  

Over time, the development of ports also provided a gateway of connectivity and transportation between societies.  

This relationship continues today.  

As of 2020, almost 1 billion people live within 10km of the coastline, and more than one third of the world’s population (2.75 billion people) live within 100km from the coast. 

What’s more, over 3 billion people depend on the Ocean as a primary source of income, the majority of these from Ocean-based industries such as fisheries and tourism in developing countries. 

Why healthy people need a healthy Ocean: explained by Ocean generation, leaders in Ocean literacy.

Healthy people need a healthy Ocean 

The Ocean contains a vast biodiversity of life, with over 250,000 known species and many more (at least two thirds) yet to be discovered.  

Each life form has a unique method of adaptation against disease and pathogens. We’re constantly learning from this strange and alien world to apply these mechanisms to our own needs.  

We depend on this marine biodiversity to develop modern medicines. In fact, between 1981-2008, around 64% of all drugs used to fight infection, and 63% of anti-cancer drugs were derived from natural sources.  

For example, the Horseshoe Crab is commonly referred to as a “living fossil” and has survived almost unchanged for around 200 million years. Its blue blood contains special cells called “granular amoebocytes” which can detect and clot around even the tiniest presence of toxic bacteria.  

Humans harness the special property of this blood to test whether the drugs and vaccines that we produce are free from contamination.

A healthy Ocean is our greatest ally against climate change.

A healthy Ocean is our greatest ally against climate change. 

A healthy Ocean stabilises our entire planetary system and acts as a buffer against the worsening impacts of climate change.  

It regulates global air temperatures by absorbing 26% of total CO2 emissions and storing over 90% of the excess heat from the atmosphere.  

But the Ocean is not just a victim of climate change, it’s also a source of solutions.

Our Ocean provides all the fundamental resources that we need to survive. Written by Ocean Generation.

Coastal “blue carbon” ecosystems, such as mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrass meadows remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. These ecosystems can lock away carbon in their soils at rates up to an order of magnitude faster than terrestrial forests.

Protecting and restoring these vital coastal ecosystems offers us a chance to ensure a sustainable future for people and planet.  

If the Ocean thrives, so do we.  

So, next time you’re having a drink of water, catching your breath after exercising, or waiting at the doctor’s surgery for some medicine, take a moment to stop and thank the Ocean for providing the fundamentals to make all this possible. 

Our Ocean is not just a victim of climate change, it's a source of solutions.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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Diving into Kalk Bay: Exploring its past, present, future 

My earliest, enduring memory of the Ocean is a stretch of sea rolling away from a vibrant fishing harbour in Kalk Bay, Cape Town.  

The harbour’s position along the False Bay Coast, as well as its rich marine life, played a crucial role in the city’s early development and prosperity. Little did I know this place would also play an important role in my own life. 

Kalk Bay: A link to my childhood and the last connection to my grandmother.

The colourful fishing boats in the harbour that frame the glorious, shimmering stretch of Ocean in my mind like a postcard, idealised to a point far from reality. Today, with names like Star of the Sea and Lucky Strike, those old wooden boats seem struck in a rapidly receding past.

Change has come in great variety and moved with incredible momentum. All aspects of the scene have been altered – from the oceanography and to the social structures and human dimension surrounding the harbour. 

I find it interesting and unsurprising, that when asked to think of a memory about the Ocean, the one I recall is so entangled with the influence of mankind. These two elements – human and Ocean – have been linked for centuries and seem unable to escape one another.

Wavemaker Story by Katie about Kalk Bay, Cape Town's past, present and future.

I feel this tension reflected in the complex and often contradictory nature of our social and ecological aims moving forwards as a society.

Progression too often comes at the high cost of our marine health, a lack of respect for our past and insufficient foresight for our future. All of this points to the difficulty in honouring and preserving our collective pasts whilst building future horizons in sustainable ways.

New strategies for managing the natural environment and its resources should include integrated approaches with new frameworks, stakeholders and communities. 

Kalk Bay as we see it today  

The Kalk Bay area may be reminiscent of the past, but the issues it faces are very much of the present. The harbour is one of the few still in operation, albeit a far cry from its thriving commercial days. Subsistence fishing (the practice of catching fish for personal consumption and not profit) is carried out with a handful of crayfish boats heading out each day. 

With reduced operation has come tourism and commercialisation. You will find restaurants, pop up stalls selling gimmicks, and seals, who emboldened and adjusted to the crowds, sunbathe on the jetty.     

Seal sunbathing on the jetty at Kalk Bay, Cape Town.

Just as the Ocean below has been altered by rising sea levels and an increased frequency of extreme temperature events, so too has the harbour. Unsurprisingly, the advancements and demands of modern life have been the indirect driving forces behind this change.

All the usual culprits – overfishing, climate change, overpopulation, and coastal development- are part of this problem.  Fish stocks caused by overfishing and the violations of size regulations have impacted marine biodiversity and the livelihoods of local fisherman. 

Coastal development have also contributed significantly to these detrimental changes by increasing pollutant runoff and nutrient loading.

This illustrates just how interrelated Ocean and coastal ecosystems are and how integral they are to both human and aquatic life.

Progression at Kalk Bay, Cape Town too often comes at the high cost of our marine health, a lack of respect for our past and insufficient foresight for our future. Article by Ocean Generation, leaders in Ocean education.

Not all hope is lost for Kalk Bay  

Thankfully, there’s been a growing awareness of and respect for some of these pressing human-made threats, which has led to the establishment of marine protected areas. Currently, 15 % of South Africa’s total marine areas are protected with 1.7 % of this area fully protected.

Evidently, the South African constitution recognises the need for these conservation efforts and acknowledges the responsibility that the fishing and tourism industries have.

Eco-tourism has emerged as a way of protecting and sustainably using the environment, without negatively impacting economic growth and job security.  

A growing awareness in South Africa has led to the establishment of marine protected areas.

We need solutions that engage local communities living in coastal areas. This would encourage the safeguarding of natural resources, improve the quality of people’s lives, and potentially assist in building bridges between sections of South African society that has historically been divided.

Approaches such as these work towards achieving a balance between developmental goals and environmental concerns; it’s of course an ongoing process. Therefore, it’s important to thoroughly research and address the priorities and gaps in this area with input from various stakeholders.

Katie, a Wavemaker tells us: My grandmother’s childhood saw the days when man could still outrun his actions without stopping to catch his breath and consider the implications.

My grandmother’s childhood saw the days when man could still outrun his actions without stopping to catch his breath and consider any of the implications. The harmony between human and Ocean that existed was only ever on a short-term loan, one with dangerously high interest.

The future seemed as it always does to those on the shores of the present: An island far away.

Katie, a Wavemaker shares this quote: My faith in the [...] next generation of changemakers gives me hope for the future of our marine and coastal ecosystems.

The generation of young people to which I belong to understand that preservation isn’t about merely respecting the present but also about securing the future. Therefore, my faith in the collective creativity and problem-solving abilities of the next generation of changemakers gives me hope for the future of our marine and coastal ecosystems.

Thank you for raising your voice for the Ocean, Katie!

Connect with Katie Birditt via LinkedIn or her Instagram page. Learn about how to submit your own Wavemaker Story here.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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The world was our oyster, when the oysters became our world

A seagrass meadow in Scotland part of the Seawilding marine conservation project. Image by Philip Price / Seawilding shared via Ocean Generation's Wavemaker Stories.

An experience paving the way for community-led marine conservation.  

Like many of us, until recently I had only ever associated oysters with gourmet restaurants and fine dining, an out of reach delicacy plucked from some distant, murky seabed.

After working with oysters, they are now a familiar part of the local marine wildlife, and a hugely important component in the global effort to restore and conserve our Ocean.  

I spent my summer interning with Seawilding, a community-led marine habitat restoration organisation in Scotland. Their mission is to restore seagrass meadows and native oyster reefs, through planting seagrass, growing oysters to form new reefs, and developing successful methods that others can follow, to enable coastal communities across the UK and further afield to take action.  

Woman diving into the Ocean shared by Ocean Generation in a Wavemaker Story. There's a quote that reads: I spent my summer [...] restoring seagrass meadows and native oyster reefs. Photo by Sophie Coxton.
Photo by Wavemaker Story writer Sophie Coxon.

The seascape of Loch Craignish  

Set on the gleaming shores of Loch Craignish, the first time I slipped under the surface was like entering a whole other world.

The salty water enveloped me with an icy embrace, and the seabed materialised below. Vast meadows of seagrass glistened green, with dappled sunlight sparkling through the water column and catching the tails of Goldsinny wrasse and the occasional lonely pipefish.

Snakelock anemones waved like flowers from the grass heads, and red feather stars snaked their arms towards me as I glided past.  

The fringes of the meadow gave way to soft mudflats, where sparring crabs and dancing prawns entertained passersby. Gobies and flatfish buried themselves in the sand, and large shoals of herring flicked like glassy shards in the distant blue.  

Ocean photo.

The oyster reef was by far my favourite; thick layers of oyster shells stacked haphazardly covered the seafloor, carpeted by algae, barnacles and clumps of bladderwrack.

Fish darted in and out of crevices, startled by my shadow, and starfish lay clustered on the rocks, arms splayed as if holding hands. The plethora of animals, and the richness of the life surrounding me was quite literally breathtaking, so much so that I almost choked on the seawater a number of times.

It was inspiring to see so much diversity thriving in Scotland’s waters.

The work Seawilding’s team has achieved is clearly doing wonders for the wildlife of Loch Craignish, however this is only the tip of the iceberg in the marine conservation and restoration work we need to undertake, not only here in Scotland but across the Ocean.  

Two images of marine conservation activities: Restoring oyster reefs in Scotland and helping restore sea grass meadows. Images taken by Sophie Coxton and shared by Ocean Generation.
Photos by Wavemaker Story writer Sophie Coxon.

The health of the Ocean is essential to us, not only as societies through its cultural significance, but also through its physical services.

Without healthy marine ecosystems, food stability will crumble, coastal erosion will rapidly creep up on communities, and the impacts of climate change will be less cushioned and more sorely felt.  

Scotland’s marine wildlife: Then and now 

Scotland’s coasts were once prolific with wildlife. Historic records speak of rivers “overflowing with salmon, onto the banks”, estuaries that had seemingly endless shellfish stocks, and open Ocean brimming with endless shoals of fish.

Oysters were once the food of the poor, and lobster was a common centerpiece at every dinner table. Lush seagrass meadows flanked the shorelines and wildlife flourished, everywhere. 

We must start taking Ocean action to prevent further losses. Quote shared by Ocean Generation in an article about marine conservation programmes in the UK.

Now, there are no natural oyster reefs left off Scotland’s coast, and more than half of the original seagrass meadows have disappeared.

Dredging (removing sediments from the seabed), overfishing, and pollution threaten our coastlines more than ever before, and with the pressures of climate change increasing with each day, we must start taking action to prevent further losses

Seawilding’s work, enthusiasm and passion for the marine environment is a sparkling example of how communities can come together to create real, positive change – something we should all strive towards.

Thank you for raising your voice for the Ocean, Sophie!

Connect with Sophie via LinkedIn or her Instagram page. Learn about how to submit your own Wavemaker Story here.

Disclaimer: Ocean Generation has no official affiliation with Seawildling. Mention of or reference to Seawildling is not an endorsement or sponsorship by Ocean Generation. The views, opinions, and activities of Seawildling are independent of Ocean Generation.

The motion of the Ocean explained: Waves and tides  


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